Neue Wertungen Edge 267
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Edge 267

Mario Kart 8 Wii U 9/10 ab EUR 58,99

Fazit: "Mario Kart 8 is as essential a purchase as Super Mario 3D World."

Trials Fusion PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC 8/10
ab EUR 35,99

Fazit: "And when you land a difficult jump perfectly or finish a tough track with only 200, rather than 300, faults, it's clear that despite the occasional wobble, Trials' inimitable magic remains absolutely intact."

The Elder Scrolls Online PC 5/10
ab EUR 39,99

Fazit: "But it is difficult to imagine many others investing hundreds of hours in a place this bland, in a formula this familiar, and in a game this demanding of both your time and your money."

Kinect Sports Rivals Xbox One 5/10
ab EUR 64,99

Fazit: "Yet all the good work Rare has done on the trimmings counts for little when you play with a device that is still too finicky and untrustworthy [...]"

Child of Light PS4, PS3, PC 5/10
ab EUR 18,99

Fazit: "It's a game that, for all the intricacy of its systems and the charm of its painterly world, feels oddly empty."

Kirby Triple Deluxe 3DS 7/10
ab EUR 40,99

Fazit: "As it is, his 3DS debut is too uneven to be essential, but too charming for fans to miss."

Das Coverthema der Ausgabe ist Insomniacs actiongeladener Ausflug auf die Xbox One: Sunset Overdrive. Aber auch die PS4-Umsetzung von The Last of Us kommt nicht zu kurz, wie auch Vorberichte zu Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel und Batman: Arkham Knight.

Quelle: Edge #267, June 2014
Future Publishing, Bath, UK /