Neue Wertungen Edge 266
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Edge 266

Titanfall Xbox One, 360, PC 8/10 ab EUR 59,99 (One)

Fazit: "It's a thoroughly successful evolution of the twitch shooter, broadening its scope both upwards and outwards as well as expanding its toolset."

inFamous: Second Son PlayStation 4 7/10
ab EUR 54,99

Fazit: "As an open-world game, Second Son feels emaciated. There's little to do in the way of side missions, and what is here becomes repetetive, unlikely to sustain beyond a single playthrough."

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PS3, 360 9/10
ab EUR 29,99

Fazit: "Ground Zeroes is a resounding success in every respect bar its price tag, but value is relative. Fourteen hours in, we're still learning."

South Park: The Stick of Truth PS3, 360, PC 8/10
ab EUR 59,99

Fazit: "So, yes, their irreverent take on the medium may have a few technical shortcomings, but you'll usually be grinning far too mucht to care."

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Xbox One, 360 5/10
ab EUR 29,99

Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z PS3, 360 2/10
ab EUR 54,99

Zentrales Thema dieser Ausgabe ist die Fragestellung, ob Microsoft das "Xbox One"-Ruder noch herumreissen kann. Darüber hinaus gibt's schöne Vorberichte zu Murdered: Soul Suspect und Assassin's Creed Unity.

Quelle: Edge #266, May 2014
Future Publishing, Bath, UK /